Month: December 2010

  • Freak Out

    Last night, I freaked out.

    On Tuesday night, Roger and I closed on our first home ever. We are now owners of our 2BR/2BA condo in Denver, CO! We’re extremely excited. However, last night, I realized that we need to move out of our current place by 12/15. According to Mama Liu’s feng shui guy in Hong Kong, we need to do the following on 12/15 –

    1. Set up the bed with clean or new sheets.
    2. Put red envelopes with a bit of money under the bed diagonally across from each other. These red envelopes should remain under the bed until we move out.
    3. Get a teapot that makes noise. Boil water and let the teapot make sounds to scare evil spirits away.
    4. Turn on all the heat and lights.

    This should all happen between 1:00 – 3:00pm on the 15th. His mom’s feng shui guy took our birth dates and figured out that this is the best time and date to move in.  So we’ve decided we’re going to move most of our things before the 15th and then do all the final moving including the bed on the 15th. 

    Anyway, I freaked out last night since that only leaves me two weeks to pack my whole life again and move. It’s going to be bit difficult too since we have more furniture now since our move to Denver.  Then I realized that this will probably be the last time I move in the next 10-15 years. So, Joanne – breathe. It’s going to be ok. Just go home each night and pack and everything will be ok. 

    I feel much better now.